Walt Steele is chief operating officer for Pine Hall Brick Company, America’s largest manufacturer of genuine clay pavers. For more information, Steele can be reached at (800) 334-8689 and by email at waltsteele@pinehallbrick.com. For more information, please visit www.PineHallBrick.com.

Hitting the Bricks at Wake Forest University

Moments after the last box is unloaded on move-in day at college, wise parents have The Talk. You know the drill: Eat right. Do your...  More

The Timeless Appearance of Elon University

And a new semester begins at Elon University. With a graduation ceremony in the rear-view mirror and classes stretching out on the horizon,...  More

Renovating Reynolds Gym at Wake Forest University

The 1950s-era red-brick Reynolds Gym at Wake Forest University has been renovated. Skillful brick color blending, matching mortar and...  More

Exterior Spaces Offer Powerful Symbolism: The Freedom Walkway

If you were to visit downtown Rock Hill, South Carolina, you might find yourself in the Freedom Walkway, walking on bands of Pathway Red...  More

Salem College Blends New Design with Historic Island of Architecture

If Elizabeth Oesterlein were to walk up to Salem College in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, today, we're betting that she would feel right...  More

High Point University: Surrounded by Success

Take a drive through High Point, North Carolina. Look out your car windows. Chances are, you won't go far without seeing High Point...  More

A Transformational Project: Converse College’s Johnson Plaza

Many students arriving for the first time at Converse College in Spartanburg, SC, like students arriving at any other private college, have...  More

Campus Paving Projects

For anyone who makes purchases for colleges in these times of budget constraints, the first question is automatic: Will what I am about to...  More