Special Case Study Section

We are excited to introduce our special case study section as requested by our readers. These studies give you examples of the on-site application of products and services that benefit your campuses.

We are excited to introduce our special case study section as requested by our readers. These studies give you examples of the on-site application of products and services that benefit your campuses. The following companies are represented in our October issue:
• AiPhone—emergency stations and intercom solutions
• Ceilume—high-quality ceiling tiles and panels
• SportsArt—sustainable, green fitness solutions
• Vantage—clean, clear pool solutions
• AGF—auxiliary drains and fire sprinklers
• Laptops Anytime—automated laptop checkout kiosks
• SmartDesks—flexible furniture, computer desks, and tables
• Bradley—lockers, hand washing and drying options, and partitions